Coeducational definition, educating both sexes jointly at the same institution or classes: a coeducational state college. English dictionary definition of coeducational. The system of education in which both men and women attend the same institution or classes. Coeducation definition is - the education of both male and female students at the same institution. How to use coeducation in a sentence.
Mixed-sex education, also known as mixed-gender education, co-education or coeducation (abbreviated to co-ed or coed), is a system of education where males and females are educated together. Whereas single-sex education was more common up to the 19th century, mixed-sex education has since become standard in many cultures, particularly in Western countries. Definition of coeducational in the AudioEnglish. Meaning of coeducational. What does coeducational mean?
Information about coeducational in the AudioEnglish. Visit the online dictionary. Coed definition is - a female student in a coeducational institution. Both books feature conversion stories of children, particularly boys, failing and on Ritalin in coeducational settings and then pulling themselves together in single-sex schools. The definition of coed is coeducational and is something that is available to both men and women.
A gym that both men and women can join is an example of a coed gym. The coeducational movement encountered stronger resistance outside the United States. In Europe, the Scandinavian countries were the earliest supporters, but many other nations.
Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content. Each square carries a letter. I mean i know that a co-educational school is where both sexes study together. Jasper Fforde biography. No one knows this more than Yale which has flourished to an unprecedented level these past years as a coeducational institution.
The ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, said that Co-education creates a feeling of comradeship. He advocated teaching of both the male and female sexes in the same institution without showing any discrimination in imparting education. As an adjective, the word coe short for coeducational , indicates an institution that teaches both males and females. However, as a noun, it can only mean a young woman who attends college.
Best Answer: Co-education is the type of education in which imparting of education takes place to both the sexes at the same time. It promotes friendliness, confidence and. Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word coeducational in our free online dictionary!

The US government sponsored a study, Early Implementation of Public. Co-ed definition : A co-ed school or college is the same as a co-educational school or college. From Stanford to Harvar many colleges offer coed dorm rooms or gender neutral housing. How is Coeducational abbreviated? COED stands for Coeducational.
It will be continued whether if they attend an interview they will not. A History of Coeducation Since the late nineteenth century, Vassar had seldom suffered financially or experienced any problems concerning the qualifications of its applicants.
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