Aidan (age 10) really enjoys secret codes, and we were thrilled to find this idea on Spoonful for making a spy decoder! The fun part about this decoder is that it provides different codes, making it difficult for someone to crack. The secret decoder wheels could easily be used for math skills, spelling practice, writing activities, word work and more.

Think of all the possibilities! Printable Secret Decoder Wheel Instructions. For each decoder , ask the Scouts to use the compass to draw three circles 8cm, 6cm and 4cm in diameter (measuring 4cm, 3cm and 2cm on the compass) and cut them out.
Now colour each of the circles in using different coloured pencils. Take the largest circle and make small marks 0. He is sired by the stallion Testa Rossa out of the dam Decipher. This feature is not available right now. Spy Decoder has managed to win races in his career so far. Please try again later.

A one-of-a-kind decoder disk is the KEY to solving the mystery behind Project Zorgo! CWC Puzzle Booklet CWC Puzzle Booklet. Every spy needs a way to send messages to his partner. The circle decoder is the perfect tool! You can have your kids make their own or print out this one.
Arrange from smallest to biggest and use a brad in the center to attach them together. Now you’re ready to create a message and decode! The SPY NINJA NETWORK is a mobile app, created by Chad Wild Clay and Vy Qwaint to unite Spy Ninjas against Project Zorgo! Write spy messages with these amazing secret codes for kids.
Here are six of our favorite ciphers to try with your junior spies in training! Children love to write coded messages. They are super fun and very covert. Great addition to Spy Week activities. I loved secret codes when I was a kid.
My friend and I worked out elaborate codes and. Buy Spy decoder on eBay. Free Shipping Available. Lowest Prices on Top Items. Inspired by Trending Stories.
Use the decoder wheel to solve the mystery. Bay Gifts to the Rescue. This exciting spy activity book has pages of codes to crack and whodunits to solve. The official merch store of Chad Wild Clay featuring exclusive Spy Ninja gear to help Chad and Vy defeat Project Zorgo.
Bring out the detective in everyone by revealing secret messages and words with our always popular spy glass decoder ! Use our decoders (red filter) to expose hidden messages in specially printed promotions or for hidden messages on websites. This template is the Symbol Version of our Alphabet Decoder Wheel. There are three decoder wheels in all allowing for the coding and deciphering of secret messages using random alphabet letters, symbols or eve.

Spy kids must be able to secretly exchange messages. An easy way to create secret codes for kids is this build-your-own cipher wheel. One of the main tasks of spies is to exchange messages, while at the same time keeping the contents a secret from anyone who may intercept it. The Office of Public Affairs (OPA) is the single point of contact for all inquiries about the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
We read every letter, fax, or e-mail we receive, and we will convey your comments to CIA officials outside OPA as appropriate. Code Wheel: for encrypting and deciphering messages This activity can be easily differentiated to accommodate different ages and abilities.
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